Prepare for the situations you'll face.

We offer Virtual Oregon Health Authority approved interpreter training. We also offer additional workshops virtually.
Be Confident in what you Interpret
Virtual Healthcare Interpreter Training
Interpreters accepted must have a minimum of 3 years professional interpreting experience in addition to RID certification to participate in the healthcare interpreting class series.
60 hour healthcare interpreting class offered in English*. The class will be taught in ASL if there are participants in the class who use ASL as primary means of communication.
*Training will take place either via video conferencing or in an accessible facility. ASL interpreters available upon request.
Cost: $585 per attendee
The OHA approved Healthcare Interpreter Training Includes:
Certificate verifying the successful completion of the 60-hour OHA approved training course.
- Anatomy and Physiology/ Medical Terminology
- Ethics and Conduct
- Cultural Competency
- Standards of Practice (including HIPAA laws on privacy in medical settings)
- Modes – consecutive, simultaneous, sight translation, basic written translation
- Interpreter Skills (Message Conversion/Discourse Analysis, Figurative Language, Expletives, Idioms, Regional Dialects, Register, Memory, and Colloquialisms)
Custom Trainings for ASL Interpreters
We offer a variety of virtual session topics
- Introduction to Healthcare Discourse
- Vicarious Trauma for Interpreters
- Mental Health Systems for Healthcare Interpreters
- Psychiatric Emergencies and Interpreters
- Reflective Practice techniques for Advanced Healthcare Interpreters
- Accounting Practices for Interpreters
- The 10 Most Important Practices for Freelance Interpreters
- Consecutive Interpreting Workshops
- Beginning Sign Language Language (Taught in ASL by Deaf presenter)
- Intro to Deafness & Sensitivity with Workplace Communication
- Working with an Interpreter
Contact us for upcoming workshops.

Meet The Trainers

Alanna Watson
Alanna Watson (She/Her) is an ASL interpreter that has been National certified for 33 years by the Registry of interpreters for the Deaf. She holds a national certification in interpreting and transliterating as well as the Special Certification in Legal Interpreting. She also hold her CoreCID™ through the Certification Commission of Healthcare Interpreters. Alanna attended the National Technical Institute of the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY from 1985-1987. Alanna has been teaching sign language interpreters for the past 26 years in Cognitive processing, interpreting registers, depiction, discourse and both medical and legal interpreting. She hosts train the trainer sessions as well. Her passion is sharing what she knows with others. Ms. Watson is currently the Director of Business Development for NIS, the National Interpreting Service Interpreting Service based in Portland, OR. On a personal note, she is married with 14 children and 4 dogs. She grew up in Upstate NY. She has been fortunate to work in this field and grateful for all the opportunities she has had throughout her career.

Jordan Kenny
Jordan Kenny (he/him) has been a professional American Sign Language interpreter for over 12 years. His work experience is a culmination of 6 years in educational interpreting alongside 10+ years in healthcare settings, performing arts, mental health, VRS, and more. Currently, Jordan holds a National Interpreter Certification (NIC), Oregon Certified Health Care Interpreter (OCHI) certification, received national credentials for healthcare interpreting (CoreCHI), and continues to pursue professional development opportunities when possible. He currently works as the President for National Interpreting Service, Inc. and holds a seat on the Board of Directors for the Oregon Health Care Interpreters Association (OHCIA). With a strong passion in providing language equity for the communities he serves; Jordan hopes to enable accessible training resources for interpreters to ensure quality access to communication is available for all.
Create Your Account With
National Interpreting Service.
If you’re looking to hire quality ASL interpreters, give us a call. We respond to RFPs and bid requests.
Oregon: (503) 932-8460 | Washington: (206) 337-4447
Toll Free: (877) NIS-SIGN or (877) 647-7446